COSMIC Experience Update

Greetings Cosmic Beings!
I will not be available for the next two Mondays, so the next Zoom will be Monday, June 27th, the Monday before the Cosmic Experience – New Beginnings Regional Burn. 
Zoom is always at and at 7:00pm.

Space update:
The Frontier Commons space that was 18,000 square feet got scooped up at full retail so that’s out of the picture. Sutherland Global is taking it to make a cube farm of telemarketers. Prime plaza space for that!? Oi.
We’re back to looking at Southtown Plaza.
My broker has told the Southtown broker that unless the HVAC is fixed, we aren’t interested.
He did so without consulting me. Personally, since their last offer was 12 free months and only a one year personal guarantee, I’m OK with spending ~$25,000 to get the HVAC and sprinklers where I want them. Spend $25,000 to get $120,000 in free rent seems good to me.
After the next few busy weeks, and after the July 4th weekend, I’ll move forward.
The target is to have the key shortly after Labor Day.

I was asked to expand on the overall concept of the theme in more detail, so here you go.
Keep in mind this is fluid and wording can be improved upon.

When a person enters the space they see a very large flying saucer. Once they pay to see what is inside of it, that’s what it is: things that are found in a flying saucer! Maybe a sign at the beginning says “This Flying Saucer was found in Valley City, North Dakota* and brought here intact. What you are about to see is real** This vehicle has been traveling the universe for thousands of years***.”

*Not really
**No. Artists made it
***Actually, we just built this in the last few months

For instance, the Beyond crew has an exhibit that involves time travel and there are different sections, each from a time period. Well, in a flying saucer, aliens are known to collect artifacts from the various worlds they visit (remember, we are not limited to earthly things!). The entry to the Beyond space may have a sign saying “This is our collection of items from the worlds we have visited”, or each space may be labeled “This is from planet Blerg, eighth planet from the 6,708th star in the Andromeda Galaxy.”

So, when you are designing something, have an explanation for it. Or not. WE can brainstorm together as a group. There are a few art submissions that are interactive. We can put them near each other and label it “Daycare Center”

I hope this clears things up.
If you have a font that is alien-like, please suggest it. A great sign out front is imperative.
Oh! I’ll include a few pics. One is the model for the flying saucer entry:

Imagine a door open and a bright light! 
Here are two pics of what has been built so far. It’s the middle part of the flying saucer, front and back. Ideally, projectors can have alien activity moving across those windows:

Nanoo nanoo.

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